
5 Exercises Pregnant Women Can Do At Home

The world we live in is a type that seems to be against people when you don’t fight your way to survive, even when you do, there are oppositions here and there until you finally win. This of course is not exceptional for pregnant women, as they too must fight their way to live and survive as well as fighting for their unborn children too. It’s crucial to take care of your own emotional and physical health, and for the majority of people, this should involve exercising. We’ve put up a list of 5 exercises pregnant women can do at home because existing constraints make regular exercise more difficult.


It’s important to find ways to stay active throughout your pregnancy for the health of both you and your unborn child. You might have noticed that your exercise routine has been affected if you’re under lockdown. Alternatively, perhaps you have some additional time on your hands and would want to establish some new, healthy habits. This blog will highlight a few resistance training routines that you may undertake safely and conveniently at home.


Just choose a few activities to finish if you have just 10 minutes to workout. For your upper body, pick one or two, and for your lower body, pick one or two. Don’t forget to do your pelvic floor exercises as well.

Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult, and you shouldn’t feel bad if you don’t have the time or don’t feel like doing it. Again, these are odd times, so be nice to yourself if you are feeling more emotionally spent than usual. Move your body to celebrate what it is capable of, and don’t feel bad if it falls short of your customary expectations.

Meanwhile, if you’re overflowing with energy, extend your workout. You have the option of working out your entire body in one session or just your lower body or upper body.

NOTE: Exercises for pregnant women should be as mild as possible and should be done preferably with an instructor. Exercises should be avoided in the first trimester (first three months) as some women are prone to having miscarriage during this period and at the last three months; the intensity of your exercises should be reduced not to trigger premature labour.


Here are 5 exercises pregnant women can do at home! Try to finish 2 to 3 sets each


Place a very stable chair behind you that won’t move from that position. Step out from your chair a little. Start by spreading your feet just beyond hip distance. You can change your stance to suit your personal comfort level. According on your comfort level, toes can point straight ahead or slightly out. Put your arms out in front of you to serve as a counterbalance while maintaining relaxed shoulders.

Start the motion by bringing your hips back and reaching the chair with your bottom. Don’t rest your weight on the chair; instead, slowly bend your knees until your bottom reaches the seat. Just a light touch and then you get up again gradually.

Push through your heels when you stand up, squeezing your glutes (the bottom muscle) at the peak of the motion. You should feel your thighs and glutes working actively.

Repeat between 8 and 10 times.

Regression: Make your seat more comfortable with a cushion so you don’t have to squat so low.

Progression: Increase the number of repetitions or substitute a book-filled backpack or packs of salt for weight.


NOTE: Avoid this exercise if you experience any pelvic girdle pain. (Around 1 in 4 pregnant women experience pelvic girdle pain)

Make use of a wall or counter to help keep you steady. Keep your feet as far apart as your hips while taking a big step forward. A tight stance will make you imbalanced, so you don’t want that. Your back leg will serve as a stabilizing leg while your front leg will be exerting a little more force.

Keep your body nice and tall and avoid bending forward as you dip your back knee towards the floor. Return to your feet while pressing against the heel of the lead leg. Maintain your stance and immediately squat back down.

You should feel your thighs and glutes working actively. Repeat between 8 and 10 times. Change the foot position and repeat on the opposite side!

Regression: Lower your knee to the floor by a smaller amount. This will be simpler with a narrower range of motion so you can concentrate on actually contracting your muscles.

Progression: Increase the number of repetitions or add weight by using any weight material available to you.


For support, take a position facing your counter or a wall. Engage your abdominal muscles and tilt your pelvis. That is to tuck your tailbone under! Stretch your leg back away from the wall while contracting your glute (bottom muscle).

This is a very tiny movement, too much of which will cause your lower back to engage. For this exercise, we only want to concentrate on engaging your glute muscles.

After 10–12 repetitions, return to the starting position and repeat. Next, swap legs and do it again.

Regression is when you do fewer repetitions.

Progression: The squeezing should be held for 3 seconds before you let go and return your leg to the starting position.


For comfort, spread a yoga mat or a towel on the floor. You may use your bed if easier for you. For stability, while lying on your side, slightly flex your lower knee. Just a little amount of a forward roll will put your top hip bone in front of your bottom hip bone.

Lift your top leg slowly, making sure to keep the knee straight. Squeeze your glute, then gradually bring yourself back down.

Repeat between 12 and 15 times. Repeat with the other leg after flipping to the other side.

Regression: Perform the same motion while standing up so you aren’t fighting gravity.

Progression: Hold the position for three seconds and then gradually lower yourself back to the starting position.


Stand around 1m away using a counter top. Put your hands on the counter shoulder-width apart. Start with a pelvic tilt and continue pushing yourself up while keeping your glutes engaged.

Slowly lower your chest to the counter top while keeping your elbows as near to your body as is comfortable. After that, push yourself back to where you were.

On the way up and down, you should feel the muscles in your back and chest working.

Repeat for 8 to 10 times.

Regression: Perform against a wall or stand closer to the counter.

Progression: Push from a lower surface, such a bed or couch.

Obtaining a proper guidance

The majority of pregnant women are urged to engage in physical activity. However, some women may need to take certain ailments or situations into account before beginning an exercise regimen. So, it is advisable to see your doctor for proper guidance.

It does not only depend on the exercises alone, eating good food both for you and your unborn child is as paramount as you must be selective in what you choose to eat. Here is an article on best foods for pregnant mums you would like to explore.

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